Variable Definitions

te = Log of total equity value of portfolio in thousands	
nstk = Number of stocks in portfolio		

For all of the following variables, see Bushee [2001] for more details

pturn = Factor that combines pt1, pt2, stab1, stab2 
pt1 = Portfolio turnover using change in te 
pt2 = Portfolio turnover using only sales transactions 
stab1 = Pct of total dollar holdings held for 2 years
stab2 =	Pct of number of portfolio firms held for 2 years

block = Factor that combines lbph, lbpf, aph, and conc
lbph = Pct of total dollar holdings with greater than 5% stake
lbpn = Pct of number of portfolio firms with greater than 5% stake
aph = Average pct ownership in portfolio firms
conc = Average investment per stock (te/nstk)

For all of the following variables, see Abarbanell, Bushee, and Raedy [2003] for more details

fsize = Factor that combines wamc, wasp, watime, waprc		
wamc = Wtd avg market cap of portfolio firms
wasp = Wtd avg S&P 500 membership
watime = Wtd avg time listed
waprc = Wtd avg price per share

pgrow = Factor that combines waegr, wasgr, wabta, wastd
waegr = Wtd avg earnings growth	 
wasgr = Wtd avg sales growth 
wabta = Wtd avg beta
wastd = Wtd avg standard deviation of returns

value = Factor that combines waep, wadp, wabp
waep = Wtd avg E/P ratio
wadp = Wtd avg D/P ratio 
wabp = Wtd avg B/P ratio

fiduc = Factor that combines wadup, waped, warate, wade
wadup = Wtd avg. portfolio firms with 5-consec yrs earnings growth 
warate = Wtd avg S&P stock rating (now called "Quality Rating")
waped = Wtd avg positive earrnings dummy
wade = Wtd avg Debt/Equity ratio

For all of the following variables, see Blouin, Bushee, and Sikes [2017] for more details

aprl1 = abnormal percent of realized losses in quarter 1 (relative to quarters 2 and 3)
aprl4 = abnormal percent of realized losses in quarter 4 (relative to quarters 2 and 3)
aprg1 = abnormal percent of realized gains in quarter 1 (relative to quarters 2 and 3)
aprg4 = abnormal percent of realized gains in quarter 4 (relative to quarters 2 and 3)