Institutional Investor Classification Data (1981 – 2023)
(Data updated on May 5, 2024) (Note: Tax-sensitive institutions data will be updated later this year)
Welcome to my institutional investor classification data website!
Please feel free to use these classifications in any of your research projects.
If you have not used the classification data before, you can click on the variable names below for details. To use these classifications, you must have a subscription to the Thomson Reuters Institutional (13F) Holdings database (hereafter referred to by its old name, “Spectrum”). You will need to merge the classifications into the Spectrum database to calculate the percentage ownership by each type of institution in each firm.
Variables and Formats:
• Spectrum manager number (5.)
• Manager number version (1.)
• Permanent key (5.)
• Year (4.)
• Type ($3.)
• Transient/Quasi-indexer/Dedicated classification ($3.)
• Permanent Transient/Quasi-indexer/Dedicated classification ($3.)
• Investment style classification ($3.)
• Permanent Investment style classification ($3.)
• Growth style classification ($3.)
• Permanent growth style classification ($3.)
• Tax-sensitivity classification ($3.)
• Extended tax-sensitivity classification ($3.)
Click here or on any variable name for more information about the variables.
Click here for descriptive statistics on the classifications.